Many types of seafood contain minute amounts of mercury, including tuna. The FDA has set a guideline for permissible levels of methyl mercury in canned tuna at 1.0 parts per million (ppm). All our products are within that guideline. Mercury occurs naturally, is widespread in our environment and is present in many of the fruits and vegetables that we consume each day. Mercury in tuna is not present due to industrial pollution, as tuna is a deep-water fish.
Furthermore, seafood is highly nutritious and is a natural source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, selenium and vitamin D, as well as being low in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. Seafood should be an important part of everyone’s diet and leading health authorities such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, USDA and the FDA recommend eating seafood twice a week.
You can learn more at the following resources:
American Diabetes Association:
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